Ha! Slapping, the ketchup of the bass world!
I always got great respect as a bass player.
I didn't follow the standard rules of bass playing, and many musicians on many different instruments who became noteworthy for their unique or particular style did a very similar thing.
The bass, no matter what kind of music you're playing, it just enhances the sound and makes everything sound more beautiful and full. When the bass stops, the bottom kind of drops out of everything.
I recruited my dad to be my bass player and fired him on several occasions. He stayed on as a bus driver.
Man brennt keinesfalls aus, wenn man zu rasant lebt. Wenn, dann brennt man aus, wenn man zu lahm und reizlos lebt.
I'm the quiet bass player.
I tried the guitar, but it had two strings too many. It was just too complicated, man! Plus, I grew up with Steve Cropper. There were so many good guitar players, another one wasn't needed. What was needed was a bass.
I knew when I got to play with Al Jackson I would be a better bass player because he was the best drummer in the world. I worshipped him.
When I heard BB King's 'Sweet Sixteen,' I knew I wanted to play bass because that was the thing that made that record: the bass player.
The money’s in the first five frets.
Learn to slap, then only use it tastefully or not at all.
At the time, I didn't know that bass would not be enough for me. I'm not a bass player because bass is always a background instrument even to this very day.
Jedes Instrument ist lediglich ein Werkzeug, um dich selbst auszudrücken und welche Beziehung du zu der Welt pflegst.
Play every note like it's your last.
Egal auf welchem Level du es tust, Musik zu spielen ist eine Möglichkeit der Welt etwas zurückzugeben.
I like to practice on the bass, but I don't do it as often as I should.
Black Sabbath was written on bass: I just walked into the studio and went, bah, bah, bah, and everybody joined in and we just did it.
We're only in it for the volume.
Jack Bruce, as soon as I saw him, it changed me. I didn’t even know what bass players did until I saw Cream.
You want to be an artist? Here's a can of paint, paint my house b***h".
There are a lot of people who can do it on the guitar and sing at the same time, but I think what is harder is bass players that can play the bass and sing.
Hör ich keinen Bass, scheiss ich auf die Melodie.
Bach is really the ultimate in bass players you know.
Piss off the amp and the instrument. It's all in your hands.
Music is the only thing keeping the planet together.
I'm not here to raise some hippie consciousness, I'm here to wet some panties.
Women and rhythm-section first!?
I learned everything from my friends and just constant gigging in night clubs, eight sets a night!
Dirt keeps the funk.
Ich will einfach nur, dass ihr rockt. Das weilt für die Ewigkeit, Mann.
Heck! Even Hulk Hogan plays a bass guitar. But, let's be honest. As a bass player, the Hulkster is no Gene Simmons!
So by the time I taught myself the bass guitar at the age of 14, my hands were already pretty nimble.
I don't like headless basses. It's like falling off a cliff.
I prefer to drink not drive.
I set myself up to be a bass guitarist and bass players get a lot more work than people like me.
Selbst wenn du nur eine Tonleiter spielst, ist es möglich, sie wie das schönste Musikstück klingen zu lassen, das du jemals gehört hast!
I still don't really feel like a bass player.
Ein Gitarrenriff sollte nie länger sein, als es dauert, eine Bierflasche zu köpfen.
Let there be bass.
I wonder if I could make an electric bass.
Because nobody wanted to play bass, I was instantly in a band.
Ich spiele Bass, weil ich meinen Lebensunterhalt nicht mit Masturbation verdienen konnte.
If you’re forming a band start with the bass player.
If you don't know theory, you've lost the gig before you've played the first note.
So the whole basis for jazz music is based on the fact that the bass player could not play his instrument.
A band is essentially a drummer and a bassist, plus assorted novelty acts.
I don't want to interview people. I want to have a conversation. I want to talk to Paul McCartney about the bass sound on 'The White Album.'
Paul, Nummer 2 und ich spiele den Bass.
None of us wanted to be the bass player. In our minds he was the fat guy who always played at the back.
Without the Fender bass, there'd be no rock n' roll or no Motown. The electric guitar had been waiting 'round since 1939 for a nice partner to come along. It became an electric rhythm section, and that changed everything.
It's all about the groove.
Practice 10 hours a day and you'll have no problem.
Ich wurde von der Lead- zur Rhythmusgitarre und dann an den Bass abgeschoben. Ständig hatte ich Angst, dass ich eines Tages als Drummer enden würde...
A good bassist determines the direction of any band.
Bass players are always the intellectual kind, but nobody knows it.
I don't meditate before I play or compose, but I see playing and composing as meditative acts.
A chord is not a chord until the bass player decides which note to play.
The bass player's function, along with the drums, is to be the engine that drives the car... everything else is merely colours.
Guitar is for the head, drums are for the chest, but bass gets you in the groin.
The bass should be the note of the bass drum, and then you've got the engine of the band that everything else builds on. Everything else, the guitar, the keyboards, is a colour.
I wasn't originally a bass player. I just found out I was needed, because everyone wants to play guitar.
I play bass. I don't have to go out there and screech.
Mit Bass klingt's nach 'was.
Glück ist wenn der Bass einsetzt!
Heute spiele ich Bass, aber morgen spiele ich Bässer!
Bassisten können besser fingern, haben längeres Holz und gehen tiefer.
Ohne Bass keinen Spass!
Bassisten sind die Innenverteidiger der Musik.
Ist der Bass zu stark bist du zu schwach.
Ein Bassist kann nicht genug Bass haben.
Nur mein Bass kann uns noch retten.
Keiner ist perfekt. Aber ein Bassist ist da definitiv nah dran.
Ein Leben ohne Bass ist möglich, aber sinnlos.
Alles, was ich brauche ist dieser Bass. Und dieser hier, und dieser hier…
Wer glaubt, dass Bass spielen keine Sportart ist, der hat noch nie einen Bass in der Hand gehabt.
Bassist weil Superheld kein anerkannter Beruf ist.
Ich bin Bassist – ich werde überall gebraucht!
Als Gott mich schuf, brauchte er einen guten Bassisten.
Geprüft und zertifiziert: Bester Bassist der Welt!
Wenn er da ist merkt es keiner, erst wenn er fehlt, weiss man, was man an ihm hatte.
Bass spielen ist wie zwischen den Zeilen zu lesen.
Die Sänger kriegen den Applaus, aber die Bassisten die Frauen!
Bassist weil Gitarristen auch Helden brauchen!
The Bassplayer is the one who makes it all happen.
Bass, a minute to learn, a lifetime to master.
Bassplayers built the house, the other players live in.
A good bassist should be felt and not heard!
Learning the Bass takes 5 minutes, mastering the Instrument the whole lifetime.
Bach’s left hand is were bass started...
Jaco only needed four.
You can't hold no groove if you aint got no pocket.
I'm a bassplayer, not a singer, not a talker, just a thinker.
You are never more than a half step away from a right note.
The bass is the link between harmony and rhythm. It is the foundation of a band. It is what all the other instruments stand upon.
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