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  3. Symmetria


von Uccello Project

Symmetria - Uccello Project

Auf dem Album Symmetria sind vierzehn Songs enthalten, die der Bassist und Multiinstrumentalist Steve Uccello zum grössten Teil selber eingespielt hat. Freie Jazzformen gehen dabei nahtlos in mystischen Folk über, wechseln mit Passagen aus trägem Prog ab und enden in belebten Barock-Linien.

Einige Originalzitate beschreiben das Album besser:

-Steve Lawson
Symmetria by the Uccello Project is a gorgeous, instrumental and largely unclassifiable record. Best thought of as 'cinematic', each of the tracks conjures up a range of emotions and images, taking the listener on a beautiful journey. The layers of basses, guitars and percussion ebb and flow, drawing on Jazz, Folk, Blues and African music, blending all the elements into one lovely album. Recommended.

-Marcin Oles
i have enjoyed to listen your music which is full of colours and moods.. i like you bowing and it seems you have very good intonation and sound.. you are very sensitive player and you care a lot about sound so in my opinion your music is great to appear in movies and plays…the compositions seems to be similar to famous Angelo Badalamenti's music

–Vinny Golia
I enjoyed the disc quite a bit...I got a nice sense of being in another place as soon as the music started. That was most enjoyable for me.

-Guadamus-Jazz Radio -Lithuania
Today we received a new album “Symmetria” composed by Steve Uccello. It is more experimental music than jazz, but we want to grab your attention for its frameless and hardly classifiable style. Uccello has a unique symbol and philosophy for every instrument and every sound he plays. So, his music becomes a precious spiritual experience from the beginning till the end. The cd is released in a very creative case, which is also an art form in itself.

-John Goldsby, Cologne, Germany 8/2009
I was swept away by the new CD, Symmetria by Steve Uccello. The CD features Steve with an arsenal of instruments—acoustic bass, electric fretless and fretted basses, mandolins and more. The result of Steve's alchemy is a treat for the senses—at once soothing and sensual, yet musically demanding and virtuous. The project, mixed and mastered by Universal Audio veteran Tim Prince, has a perfectly balanced, high fidelity sound. My favorite tracks? "Golden" and "Meandering Flame" due to Steve's emotive arco double bass playing. Thanks for the lovely sounds!

-Bryan Beller
"Bassist Steve Uccello's Symmetria is filled with cool and unique sounds, textures, and musical ideas, evoking an imagined atmosphere of open spaces influenced by Ry Cooder's desert dusty roads as much as anything a bassist could conjure up. It fits a mellow, contemplative mood perfectly."

-Jeff Schmidt
(thanks for the download Steve. I had to have the package - so I ordered a copy.) wow - what a great sounding record! the spacious and warm production really draws you into the mysterious organic textures. The blend of instruments is distinct and compelling. The music breathes, swells, and moves. Symmetria occupies a musical place all it's own. Congratulations Steve - this is special!

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2.Magnetic Domain: Nahual6:48
4.Garnet Film4:22
5.Plateau: Kundalini2:39
6.Meandering Flame2:12
7.Place of Seven Turns7:40
9.Veneration of the Vulgar Element4:38
10.Release Pattern2:19
11.Hidden Hand2:06
12.Serious Game1:54
13.Eight Fold Way5:04
14.Basic Nets4:40


Erscheinungsdatum9. August 2009
LabelAudio Centaur
Copyright(c) 2009 Uccello Project
GenresDiverses, Jazz, Avantgarde & Free Jazz
Gepostet in: Katalog > Bass-Alben
Tagged: Bass-Album, Steve Uccello
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